• What is oil & gas refinery?
  • It is installed in the hydraulic system to store and transmit components till they are needed to perform tasks. Oil and Gas refinery is an industrial plant that comprises a wide set of equipment used in refining or transformation of crude oil into different petroleum products i.e diesel, liquified petroleum gas (LPG), kerosene e.t.c.
  • What is a refinery & how does it work?
  • A refinery is an industrial plant made up of several equipment required in transforming petroleum (crude oil) into several usable petroleum by-products. Before this process can be carried out, petroleum/natural gasses in its crude state need to be drilled out of the earth crust using highly sophisticated machinery.
  • How is crude oil used in a refinery?
  • With the use of highly sophisticated equipment, public and private oil-producing companies are able to build and maintain refineries where crude oil is transformed and refined into usable engine oil and gas. Apart from oil and gas, there are a whole lot of by-products that can be derived from crude oil.
  • What is the purpose of a petroleum refinery?
  • The sole purpose of all petroleum refineries is to transform crude oil into petroleum products that can serve as fuel for heating, transportation, chemical feedstock, paving roads, and more. This transformation process falls under the downstream production stage, as well as crude oil transportation.
  • Why do refineries need new equipment?
  • Leveraging our unique expertise and years of experience as owners and operators in the market allows the introduction of new hardware into refineries with maximum efficiency. Helping refiners improve refinery margins by optimizing processes and equipment performance is, in many cases, as valuable as the cutting-edge equipment itself.
  • What is oil and gas production equipment?
  • Oil and Gas production equipment comprises all the tools applied through the upstream, midstream, and downstream stages. The upstream phase refers to the discovery and drilling stage. Midstream phase is when products are being transported to refineries, while the downstream is responsible for refining and sale of the products.