  • How do Indonesian oil palm companies carry out efficiency?
  • Many oil palm companies carry out efficiency by reducing production capacity and applying economization in various sectors. Lots of Indonesian oil palm companies which have successfully faced this heavy pressure, particularly large sized companies which have already controlled strongly local and international markets.
  • Can palm oil products be made in Indonesia?
  • Palm oil products can be used to manufacture a wide range of goods, such as food products, cosmetics, and personal care products. There are a number of opportunities for the establishment of palm oil product manufacturing plants in Indonesia. Also read: 25 Profitable Business Ideas and Opportunities in Indonesia
  • Who is CDMI – Indonesian oil palm & refinery Directory?
  • Viewing the dynamics of oil palm industry in the last several years, CDMI as a consultant company with expertise in data compilation is attracted to perform an investigation for six months towards oil palm companies in the country and finally succeeded in publishing a book with the title of Indonesian OIL PALM & REFINERY Directory, 2017.
  • Where are palm oil refineries located?
  • Palm oil refineries can be established in close proximity to palm oil mills, or in areas with good access to ports. Palm oil products can be used to manufacture a wide range of goods, such as food products, cosmetics, and personal care products.
  • Does POSCO have a palm oil refining business in Indonesia?
  • The company announced on Jan. 10 that it has recently decided to enter the palm oil refining business in Indonesia. It will invest US$200 million in the project through AGPA, a subsidiary established by POSCO International in Singapore in 2021 to expand the palm oil business.
  • What are the different types of palm oil business opportunities in Indonesia?
  • There are a number of palm oil business opportunities in Indonesia. These include: This is the most common type of palm oil business in Indonesia. Palm oil plantations can be established on large tracts of land, and can produce a significant amount of palm oil. Palm oil mills process palm fruit to extract palm oil.