  • Where is cotton grown in Argentina?
  • In Argentina, cotton growing is concentrated in the northern provinces, predominantly in the state of Chaco, and covers an estimated 500,000 hectares. Acreage is expected to jump significantly next year, potentially as much as 40 percent. Planting begins in early October and continues through the end of the year.
  • Where is cotton grown in Mexico?
  • The main cotton zone is in the coastal zone, the northeast, more precisely in Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Formosa, Santa Fe, Corrientes, Misiones and Entre Ríos provinces. There are some areas in the northwest that can be produced under the irrigation system country, in Salta, Jujuy, Catamarca and Cordoba provinces.
  • How many cotton growers are there in Argentina?
  • There are about 19,000 cotton growers in Argentina, many of whom are smaller, family-based operations. When combined with medium and large producers, they help to increase employment in every link of the supply chain, which now provides between 450,000 and 500,000 jobs in ginneries, mills, and weaving and clothing factories.
  • When does cotton lint grow in Argentina?
  • Planting begins in early October and continues through the end of the year. The harvest runs from mid-February through mid-July, depending on location. Cotton lint production in 2009-10 will total about 200,000 tons, the majority of which will be used mainly to supply Argentina’s domestic textile industry.
  • How much cotton lint will Argentina produce in 2009-10?
  • Cotton lint production in 2009-10 will total about 200,000 tons, the majority of which will be used mainly to supply Argentina’s domestic textile industry. There likely will be enough cotton to export, reflecting the crop’s socioeconomic importance at a regional and domestic level.
  • Does insect-resistant cotton reduce pesticide use and agricultural productivity in Argentina?
  • This article analyzes effects of insect-resistant Bt cotton on pesticide use and agricultural productivity in Argentina. Based on farm survey data, it is shown that the technology reduces application rates of toxic chemicals by 50 per cent, while significantly increasing yields.