  • Do extraction methods affect the quality of coconut oil?
  • It was observed that extraction methods had significant influence on both the oil yield and quality of coconut oil; the quality attributes of the oil were comparable to acceptable standards for vegetable oil.
  • Does extraction method affect TTA of coconut oil?
  • extracted oil. The result shows t hat the extraction method has a significant difference on the TTA of the coconut oil. Kothalawala et al. (2018) for coconut oil. TTA is used in food products. presented in Table 1. Chemical oil extraction method has reported by Seweh et al. (2016). F ree fatty acid is the oleic acid).
  • How much biomass and carbon stocks of coconut trees in Tanzania?
  • CONCLUSION This study estimated amount of biomass and carbon stocks of coconut ( Cocos nucifera) trees in coastal areas of Tanzania. The 185.29 tons of carbon stocks in coastal are as of mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar islands respectively.
  • Can coconut trees improve livelihood of small scale farmers in Tanzania?
  • Contribution of coconut trees ( Cocos nucifera) in biomass and carbon store and its’ role in improving livelihood of small scale farmers of coastal areas of Tanzania. Climate Change, 2019, 5 (20 ), 2 53-260 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  • How to increase coconut production?
  • Therefore, it is important to encourage farmers through training on various agronomical practices so as to increase production. Additionally, production factors such as fertilizers al. (2015). Moreover, farmers with processed knowledge increase their income from coconut by products production.
  • How much biomass does a coconut tree produce in Zanzibar?
  • RESULTS AND DISCUSSION biomass (AGB) contributes 52% followed by merchantable stem ( 34%) and lastly below ground biomass (BGB) (14%). Table 4 indicates Zanzibar have 2, 466, 520.5 tons of biomass, on which 52% comes f rom AGB, 14% BGB and 34% merchantable stem. Individual coconut tree has an average of 224.9 kg of biomass.