  • What is Sunseed Oil Limited Malawi?
  • Sunseed Oil Limited Malawi is a leading private cooking oil manufacturing company in Malawi. Established in 2002, Sunseed Oil Limited has a magnificent state of the art factory located in Lumbadzi along the M1 Road. SUNSEED OIL LIMITED Malawi - Malawi's Largest Online Directory & National Search Engine
  • How much sunflower does Malawi produce annually?
  • Malawi's annual production of sunflower hovers around 11,000 metric tonnes (mT) despite the increased demand of sunflower at local and international markets. The country's processor requires around 30-40,000 mT of sunflower seed annually.
  • Is sunflower a future export crop for Malawi?
  • According to the National Export Strategy (2013-2018), sunflower and other oilseed commodities are prioritized as future export crops for Malawi. Sunflower production in Malawi is concentrated in some districts, including Kasungu, Mchinji, and Rumphi, where tobacco is also widely grown.
  • Who is Sunseed Oil Limited?
  • Sunseed Oil Limited extracts and refines oil from locally grown oilseeds especially soybeans and sunflower. The company registers tremendous growth annually (SADC and COMESA) through innovative business models and management which integrate local communities and smallholder farmer for sustainable rural livelihoods
  • Why is sunflower popular in Malawi?
  • Sunflower, a crop with large golden flowers grown for its edible seeds which yield oil, was in high demand more than two decades ago in Malawi. Smallholder farmers like Phiri in Chitipi, Lilongwe, were able to produce a lot of sunflower and were within reach of making a fortune from it.
  • Why is the production of sunflower decreasing?
  • Since the 90s, production of sunflower has been decreasing due to a lack of markets for farmers. The acquisition of the raw material from outside the country by the sole major processor, Unilever, literally killed the sunflower sector. Seed companies, which were few at the time, stopped supplying the market with planting seed.