  • Can Egypt produce sunflower oil self-sufficiency?
  • Sunflower crop was introduced in Egypt in 1987, and the oil content of its seed ranges between 39 and 46% (The Arab league for Nutrition Industries, 2007). The Minister of Supply and Internal Trade indicates that Egypt will accomplish sunflower oil creation self-sufficiency by nurturing lands and refining edible oils in bordering Sudan.
  • Which vegetable oil is imported by Egypt?
  • Table 2: Quantities of various vegetable oils imported by Egypt from 2015 to 2018 in ton). It is clear that palm oil is the major oil imported by Egypt whereby it represents about 60% of total imported oils in 2018 while the quantity imported from corn oil is the least being about 3% in the same year.
  • How has the production of cottonseed oil changed in Egypt?
  • According to that Figure, it is quite clear that the production of cottonseed oil in Egypt has been decreased greatly over the years from 1969 whereby it was 125 thousand tons oil in 1969 to 10 thousand tons only in 2019. 2.
  • Why is vegetable oil a problem in Egypt?
  • [Source: FAO (FAO-Trade and Markets Division, 2013)] Edible vegetable oil production in Egypt has faced countless problems. During the 1960s, Egypt was independent in palatable vegetable oils, whereby self-sufficiency proportion was 95% (Hassan and Sahfique, 2010). This proportion has declined to be 31.6% in 2007.
  • What crops are grown in Egypt?
  • Most vital oil crops in Egypt are cotton, sunflower, and soybean despite the fact that olives, sesame, canola, peanuts, and safflower are also wellsprings of vegetable oils. Egypt does not rely on upon them for oil production. Cotton crop that is one of the dual-purpose crops is generally grown for textile industry.
  • How much oil does Egypt eat a year?
  • Currently, Egypt consumes about 2.5 million tons of edible oils annually. Only, about 48.5 thousand tons of this quantity is produced by oilseed extraction in local extraction plants. About half of this quantity is produced mainly from cottonseed produced as a byproduct of cotton ginning industry.