  • How do we estimate cotton yields based on remote sensing data?
  • The traditional yield measurement method is sampling surveys, which require a large area of destructive sampling of cotton fields and consume considerable time and labor costs. This study established a cotton yield estimation model based on time series Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote sensing data.
  • How can deep learning improve cotton yield prediction?
  • Achieve large-scale and small-scale cotton yield prediction. Using deep learning to extract cotton bolls which can improve the predict accuracy. Generate high-resolution yield map according to the model.
  • Can UAV remote sensing predict cotton yields?
  • In general, this study proposes a machine learning framework based on UAV remote sensing data instead of traditional manual yield measurements for cotton yield prediction, which can accurately predict cotton yields and obtain a high-resolution yield map.
  • Can a neural network predict cotton yields?
  • Yield map. 4. Discussion This research applies neural network methods to time series UAV visible and multispectral remote sensing images to predict cotton yields. The yield prediction model based on all input variables has higher accuracy and a lower mean squared error (R 2 = 0.854, MSE = 96.062).
  • Can a multisite model be used for estimating cotton yields?
  • In the future, more experiments will be conducted to test the robustness of the current model across geographical locations and time. In addition, multisite trials may require additional analysis to include more input characteristics such as the soil type, weather information, etc. This study only focused on the estimation of cotton yields.
  • How sensitivity analysis is used to extract cotton bolls from high-resolution RGB images?
  • Through sensitivity analysis, redundant input variables are eliminated, and the optimal subset of input variables is obtained to simplify the model. By using deep learning to extract cotton bolls from high-resolution RGB images, the texture information in the data are further mined.