  • Can you grow sunflowers in South Africa?
  • If you’re considering growing sunflowers in South Africa, whether for ornamental purposes, bird feed, or oil production, here are ten important things you should know: Climate and Region: Sunflowers thrive in warm and sunny climates with a relatively long growing season.
  • What are the uses of sunflower seeds in South Africa?
  • The seeds are used for oil, bird seed and human consumption. Sunflower oil is used in food preparation, for biofuel, cosmetics and skin care products. The meal and cake are used for animal feed. Production is suitable for many South African climatic conditions as the plants are drought tolerant.
  • Why are sunflowers a popular crop in South Africa?
  • Sunflowers are a versatile crop that has become increasingly popular among South African farmers due to their resilience, economic value, and multiple uses. Sunflower seeds are used to produce oil, animal feed, and even biofuels.
  • How much water does a sunflower need in South Africa?
  • South African farmers typically rely on both dryland and irrigated sunflower production. Water Requirements: Sunflowers require about 500–600 mm of water throughout the growing season. Germination: Ensure the soil is moist at planting time to promote seed germination.
  • Why are hectares under sunflowers so low in South Africa?
  • According to Dr André van der Vyver, of the South African Cereals and Oilseeds Traders’ Association, hectares under sunflowers have reduced over the past few years due to a decline in profitability compared with other commodities: “The increase in maize yields far exceeds that of sunflower seed, which has remained nearly static,” he says.
  • What pests eat sunflowers in South Africa?
  • Sunflowers are susceptible to several pests and diseases, particularly in South Africa’s warm climate. Early detection and appropriate control measures are key to preventing losses. Cutworms: These pests attack young plants by cutting them at the base. Use pesticides or bait traps early in the growing season.