  • Why is Uganda's cotton sector not profitable?
  • Various reports have identified low quality of cotton, lack of domestic textile industry, and low use of purchased inputs due to lack of rural credit as the key constraints. This paper argues that the fundamental problem of Uganda’s cotton sector is its low profitability, which reflects the displacement of cotton by food crops.
  • How has low production of cotton impacted the industry in Uganda?
  • The low production of cotton has resulted in low utilization of the installed capacity at all the cottonseed-based processing firms. This has adversely affected the industry’s operations and overall profitability of these firms in Uganda. Q5.
  • How does low production of cottonseed affect operations in Uganda?
  • Shortage of cottonseed: The low production of cotton has resulted in low utilization of the installed capacity at all the cottonseed-based processing firms. This has adversely affected the operations and profitability of these firms in Uganda (IL&FS Clusters, 2014).
  • How many people are involved in cotton production in Uganda?
  • The Cotton Development Organization (CDO) estimates that the cotton value chain employs a total of 2.5 million people, directly and indirectly, in the production and marketing of its primary products, such as textiles and garments, as well as its by-products, such as soap, edible oil and animal feed. 2. Cotton in Uganda 2.1. History
  • Where is cotton grown in Uganda?
  • Cotton expanded in the Eastern and Northern regions (Bibangambah 1996). Currently, these areas account for about 60 percent of cotton production while Cen-tral Uganda produces only four percent of the country‘s total. It appears, therefore, that cotton is grown in places where other cash crops have limited potential. 596 561 1,313 823
  • Is cotton growing compulsory in Uganda?
  • There is a large productivity gap between males and females cotton growers, with males of-ten achieving yields 3-4 times higher than their female counterparts. Several farmers confirmed that cotton growing in Uganda was compulsory up to indepen-dence, (i.e., each farmer in cotton growing regions had to plant at least 0.25 acres of cot-ton).