  • Why is the demand for sunflower oil increasing in Tanzania?
  • Widespread adoption of improved seed is one important driver of increased production of sunflower oil in Tanzania, already one of the largest producers of the crop in Africa. And with sunflower processors investing in more than 50,000 metric tons of processing capacity, demand for sunflower from farmers is increasing. Setting up for change at scale
  • Why is Tanzania transforming the sunflower industry?
  • These tax and tariff changes have put Tanzania on the path to transforming the entire sector by prompting investors to pursue hybrid seed production, processing and other investments in the sunflower space. Dalberg was able to draw on its coalition of funders to obtain the private investment needed for essential technologies.
  • How does the sunflower value chain contribute to the development of Tanza-Nia?
  • hority data).The sunflower value chain is capable of significantly contributing to the economic development of Tanza-nia by increasing the income of smallholder farmers, creating employment opportunities for the youth, and reducing the edible oi
  • Can the sunflower sector become an exporter to other countries?
  • Industrialization of the sunflower sector is just a start, and a number of challenges remain before it can fulfill its potential – possibly as an exporter to other countries in the region. For now, from a seed to oil, and policy to people’s lives, the model established in Tanzania’s sunflower sector offers the promise to scale.
  • Which country produces the most sunflowers in Africa?
  • arable land. Current-ly, the country has the largest area under sunflower production in Africa but wi h less yield. In 2020/2021, Tanzania had a yield of around 1 tonne/ha, while the world average was 2 tonnes/ha (Aspires & Dalberg, 2018
  • Will Tanzania reduce its reliance on imported vegetable oil?
  • The changes also mean that Tanzania, which currently imports about 60 percent of its cooking oil requirements at a cost of approximately $250 million USD per year, could reduce or eliminate its reliance on imported vegetable oil — a key food staple in the country. A bold investment vision for a brighter future