  • Where is soybean grown in South Africa?
  • Soya bean production in South Africa They are grown in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and Limpopo, as well as some areas in the Free State and North West.
  • Which soybean seed is best for farming?
  • Several varieties like JS 93-05, JS 95-60, JS 335, JS 80-21, NRC 2, NRC 37, Punjab 1, Kalitur have been developed with high seed longevity. Varieties like MACS 58, NRC 37, Type 49, Durga, Punjab 1 have been developed that are suitable for mechanical harvesting having high insertion point of the lowest pod.
  • Where to sell soya beans in South Africa?
  • Yes, soybean oil is marketed as vegetable oil, e.g. Crisco vegetable oil is soybean based. Vegetable oil varies per brand, but yes, largely Soy Bean oil. 85% estimation: https://www.chowhound.com/food-news/53980/what-vegetables-go... Vegetable oil can be soybean oil but it can also be other things.