  • How is biogas produced from palm oil mill effluent & empty fruit bunch?
  • Biogas production of palm oil mill effluent (POME) and empty fruit bunches (EFB) was performed by coupled liquid (L-AD) and solid-state (SS-AD) anaerobic digestion processes. POME was fed to L-AD digester, while mixed of effluent from L-AD and EFB was fed to SS-AD digester.
  • Can palm oil mill effluent be used to generate bioenergy?
  • The technoeconomic feasibility of POME-to-bioenergy must be improved to attract investors. The remaining challenges and recommendations towards advancement are laid out. Reusing palm oil mill effluent (POME) to generate bioenergy effectively promotes a circular economy in wastewater treatment, cleaner production, and renewable energy.
  • Can palm oil mill residues be used for biogas production?
  • POME is a combination of wastes, which are discharged from three sources of extraction process such as clarification wastewater (60%), sterilizer condensate (36%), and hydro-cyclone wastewater (4%) (Ahmed et al., 2015). In recent years, the further utilization of palm oil mill residues for biogas production has been focused only on POME.
  • Can a public-private partnership converge on biogas capture from palm oil mill effluent?
  • The purpose of this report is to provide a strategy around which a public-private partnership (PPP) can converge to implement and finance biogas capture from palm oil mill effluent (POME) and reuse for renewable electricity generation at large scale that will encompass a significant portion of the APEC region’s palm oil mills.
  • Is palm oil waste-to-biogas an environmental and Energy Opportunity?
  • 10 Obi Partners Pte., Ltd. “Palm oil waste-to-biogas: an environmental and energy opportunity.” Presented at the 15th World Renewable Energy Congress, September 19-23, 2016. In some cases, compliance with criteria of legal or voluntary standards drives POME-to-energy initiatives.
  • Are palm oil mills a viable business option?
  • Palm oil mills may lessen their adverse effects on the environment and generate sustainable energy by capturing and using biogas. According to Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) carbon credit incentives, building methane-capture systems like biogas plants is a viable business option.